queer scenario for performance
by Bogdan Georgescu

Unconceivably early Sunday morning – vegetables for chicken soup, potatoes for mashed potatoes, in the middle of a bursting trash bucket giving up, flour, water, eggs, a steaming coffee maker.
Clo (whispering)
Twenty-four hours. (straining) If we manage them not to drink, that is, twenty-four hours/
Sue (peeling potatoes over the bucket)
One day. One day. A day, a teeny tiny day.
/Massive. You don’t understand, you don’t actually imagine, if you could comprehend…
I understand, be still/
/These hours have minutes, minutes seconds, seconds fractions of seconds and fractions of seconds are divided into micro-fractions of seconds which are also composed of nano-fractions which are divided into pico-fractions and pico-fractions also, ah ah ah, are divided into femto-fractions/
Ah ah ah Femtomah/
Mi (approaching the door)
/and they last, they last, they last and they last painfully because they last/
Get back! (taking a deep breath)
Sue (to Clo)
One day. A day, a teeny tiny day. Let’s have a taste of the cream, it tastes sour to me. (pause) I got it yesterday. I must have gotten it old. Is it sour or do I think it’s sour?
What do you need it for?
The cream. What do I need it for?
We eat it without.
Well, if it’s sour, you know I won’t put it on. I’ll spoil the cake. I got it yesterday. And I asked her, “Ma’am, are you sure it’s fresh, but don’t give me an old one, I need it for the whipped cream. ‘It’s fresh!’ It tastes sour to me. Is the fridge broken? Not cold enough? Would you take a look?
You’ve got a lot of mouth. (beat) You work too hard.
/Woke up.
Now, calmly, slowly pace, on our breath let us/
/They’re staring through the sandblasted glass of the door/
That they’ll/
/And they’re trying to figure out who’s already awake, what time it is, whether to get up or try to get some more sleep. If they come, they would sleep for an hour or two, but what do they do with the after-sleep/ (he interrupts) They hear us. Which is it? Who cares? Should they sleep? Should they scroll? Get up? Get up to what?
Just give them a little more time.
Clo (lies on the floor and stretches, counts out loud the seconds, holds each position for a minute, Sue and Mi look towards the door) A hundred and one, a hundred and two, a hundred and three…
(long tensed beat)
Clo (gets up starts down another aisle and picks up a bunch of keys from the floor)
I’ll get you something/
Mi (shouting)
Not the keys! Nooo!
(intense red light floods the scene, music stops abruptly)
Voice (declaiming)
The Trauma Theatre.
The extensive protocol of elements, required in the processes of healing the mind, the body, and the soul, in order to sustainably maintain integrity, dignity, and health of a non-conforming gender person in Berlin:
• a therapist
• a support group and counseling
• an extensive medical investigation in order to have a realistic estimation of the damage done to the body
• plastic surgeries
• dentistry
• a sports trainer
• a gym membership
• cosmetic procedures
• organic food
• a new diet
• a renovated home
• a new wardrobe
• new accessories
• a nutritionist
• cryotherapy
• German classes
• spoiling shopping
• a proctologist
• hair laser removal
• herbalist coach
• body literacy coach
• a nutritional psychology consultant
• joining sports clubs
• witches
• travel
• cosmetics
• food supplements
• a health advocate
• sex workers
• rituals
• massages
• pets
• the love of your life.

The author would like to express their gratitude towards Tjarnarbíó Theater Reykjavík and Sara Martí Guðmundsdóttir for the partnership and hosting the final presentation of the residency.
This bilateral initiative is financed with the support of EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 within the RO-CULTURE Program

The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA Grants amount to €1.55 billion.
More details are available on: and
RO-CULTURE is implemented in Romania by the Ministry of Culture through the Project Management Unit. The Program aims at strengthening social and economic development through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management. The total budget amounts to almost 34 million EUR. For more details, access: