ALL GENDER – Active Art Performance
dramaqueer and Asociația O2G have the great pleasure to invite you to the reading performance of four new contemporary scenarios for performance written by non-conforming gender theater makers from Romania.
6th of November 2024, at 8 pm
OTTO Konserve
am Haus der Statistik
Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72
10178 Berlin
Free entry, Reservation required >> form <<
A talk with the Romanian authors will follow the reading performance.
The scenarios are performed in German. The talk with the audience will take place in English.
Scenarios and authors
Non Binary _ Live by Raj Alexandru Udrea
Adam, the Lucky Charm by Ada Mușat (ADAM)
*** by Borusiade
me / you / he / she / you all / they | never us by Omotă
Artistic team
Borusiade, Paula Dunker, Irina Gâdiuță, Bogdan Georgescu, Alice Monica Marinescu, Ada Mușat (ADAM), Omotă, Alberto Orlandi, Patrycja Toczek, Raj Alexandru Udrea, Shlomi Moto Wagner, Marilyn Nova White.
Borusiade, Paula Dunker, Irina Gâdiuță, Bogdan Georgescu, Alice Monica Marinescu, Ada Mușat (ADAM), Omotă, Alberto Orlandi, Patrycja Toczek, Raj Alexandru Udrea, Shlomi Moto Wagner, Marilyn Nova White.
Asociația O2G, dramaqueer, Haus der Statistik, Replika Educational Theatre Centre, Galeria 26, Veioza Arte, VAV Advertising.
Asociația O2G, dramaqueer, Haus der Statistik, Replika Educational Theatre Centre, Galeria 26, Veioza Arte, VAV Advertising.
Proiect cultural co-finanţat de Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional
Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitatea beneficiarului finanțării.
Cultural project co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund
The project does not necessarily represent the National Cultural Fund Administration’s position. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the way the project’s results may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary.